Contact Us

CMA 2014 Organizing Committee

email-002[email protected]
phone black(506) 737-2014
165, Hébert Boulevard
Edmundston, New Brunswick
E3V 2S8

Léo-Paul Charest, General Manager
email-002[email protected]
phone black(506) 737-5432

Regional Coordinators

Renée Anique Francoeur
Témiscouata, QUÉBEC
email-002[email protected]
phone black(418) 899-6725
btn-pdfContacts information- Members of the Temiscouata Regional Committee

Michelle Daigle
Northwest (Marévie), NB
email-002[email protected]
phone black(506) 737-5431
btn-pdfContacts information - Members of New-Brunswick Regional Committee

Lorraine Pelletier
Northern Aroostook, MAINE, USA
email-002[email protected]
phone black(207) 551-2014