Lodging Directory
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Various hosting services are available in the region of Acadia of Lands and Forests. Here is a search engine which will assist in your search of existing lodging establishments in the different regions and municipalities of Acadia of Lands and Forests.
Please note that this is a preliminary list of basic information on the establishments. It is by no means complete and it might even contain some erroneous information. It does not include the availability of remaining lodgings in each establishment.
The 2014 World Acadian Congress (CMA-2014) cannot be held responsible for the quality and tariffs of the lodging establishments.
Please visit this Web Site regularly to follow-up on new developments.
Eventually, other lodging services will be added. Those services might be in the form of room rental, of private properties offered for rental and also rental of sites to park your recreational vehicle.
If you are a lodging establishment and you would like to be part ofthe directory, please contact us for more information.